Wednesday, January 21, 2009

UPDATES from 2008-2009

Ok where do I start? I have two new babies in my side of the family, from my younger sister Jennifer she delivered a little girl that was born on december the 25th and my other sister Karol she delivered a baby boy on December 28. We are so happy and they are doing great.
I want it t have another baby but I was not planning on having him/her so soon, but we are saying thanks to God for the life that is growing inside of me, he is the giver of life, who am I to ask why now ?LOL
But we are happy and the kids are too :)
No news on the mission front yet, we found out that JAARS has a internship program for mechanics, so we did apply, so we are waiting to see what happens.
David is scheduled to go to Idaho in April for 2 weeks for a test of his aviation skills,I think ? but anyways is part of the process.
I love both organizations and I hope God will open either doors for us to serve HIM.
All I have is Praises and thanksgiving for HIM for the Lord who changed my life, the one that I can't live without.
I heard a song this morning it said something like I want to serve you, because I want people to see that you are more than a name in the pages of history, you are the air that I breathe, the water I thirst for, you are everything to me. While I was dropping Joni at her school, my prayer for her and my kids is that they may know the Lord as their Savior and that they can obey HIM and follow HIM and serve HIM, that is my prayer for my kids today.

1 comment:

Jaime James said...

Congratulations!!! I gave david a congrats on facebook, but now to you as well. One of these days i'll get to meet your other new baby, maybe before the newest baby arrives?
